Out of Zion - time to say Good Bye to Lisa and Guy (them heading towards Mexico and trying to sell their ELVIS-Truck that they had bought in Memphis Tennessee- good luck you guys ) and eastbound out of Zion Park. With BLUE skies back over paradise this is simply another fantastic ride through a spectacular canyonvalley. Nicole, Stephan and me keep riding another stretch together up to Bryce Canyon.
We enjoy our mutual company very much andits just a great time to spend with the two - them being on a heading that I had ridden myself many years ago - the Panamericn Highway. I feel pretty happy for them having that ahead :-)
Easily missed by some folks the smallish but stunning Red Canyon site lies next to the road - agin well worth a stopover.
And that was part of the reward for getting through the cold.....
( tomorrow it's gonna be out of the tent for sunrise at Bryce Canyon - how cold is that gonna be ? )