Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

NEW YEAR 2014 – The Ride-of-Smiles is ahead... CLOSING TIME - THE FINAL Ride-Of-Change-BLOG …..

NEW YEAR 2014 – The is ahead....

which means :


but every new beginning is some other beginnings end.

When new plans and ideas grow- other things come to a natural end.
This will not become a long story of what all happened since last year and especially in 2013.
Being one of the most extreme years in my life so far, there was very few average situaions if at all in that year. What was bad , was bad. Yet the good parts of that year were among the best one is can get either. Ending the year with a great party , New Years fireworks with friends at it´s best in the alpine arena of my beloved mountaains could not have put a better end to 2013.

And it means ending 2013. A year of decisions. New Plans and going to realize them all step by step. 2014 ahead and 2015 on its way .

Thanks to all friends of the Ride-Of-Chaange-2008 up to here for your help, your support, your understanding and for being friends – be it in life or on the road.

From here BABA continues for you with some final informations and outlooks :

First is not just a link but an attitude towards life itself we want to share with you .
Have a look at the incredible smile of John Vucicic – even if English is not your mother tongue- you don´t have to understand the words to catch the sense of an irresistible smile – loving and accepting life itself . You feel your life is difficult and problems overwhelming you ?

Have a look here and – and whenever you think the going gets tough ...
maybe you have to smile ?

This Blog will end here – but the travellling adventure continues . Hombre being a happy father and Consultant in orthopadics and Trauma , from here on it´s BABA´s new travelling project , you will find here

Buy a mile- buy a Smile – when bikers make the world a better place
50000 miles to make the children smile again .

Please follow me on my way to ride for the childrens sake

All the very best to you , our friends, soulmates, fellowbikers, travellers , partners and everybody who was sharing the Ride-of-Change-2008 
with us up to here.

Hombre and BABA