Montag, 8. September 2008

Sunday 7th September 2008 : Into the great wide open- Big Skies over Idaho !

Heading west Highway 20 out of Idaho Falls its only a short way to the Craters of the Moon
Nationalpark - resulting from volcanic origin it is one of the spectacular volcanic sites taking us back into the past when this wonderful Earth was shaped - what in fact is still an active process these days.
It also took us back under wide open blue and sunny Idaho skies and let the 400 rather straight forward road kilometers pass quickly today, ending up in Boise Idaho.
To end the day we got kicked out of an RV-Park after we had put up our tent ( that is where all the giant American mobile homes get parked, in German its mostly called a Campground) as for "Insurance reasons" they would not allow us in with a tent . Cannot stop laughing on that in a country that sell automatic guns next to the pizza in WalMart - sorry, but just our 2 cents about that issue quickly )

So now the English blog at least is uptodate, pics to come when technique allows so - and at 2 o'clock the Blog-Doc feels tired enough to say a very warm Good Night to all our friends and families at home and thank you again for all your support on our way , that kept us and made us going again all over .
Further plans are to come, main heading goes west back to the Oregon Pacific Coast and down south from there . A big surprise is on its way too and still to come !

Good night to all !