Waking up in Alabama, croossing through Georgia and sleeping in Tennessee - friendly and helpful people all along the way - and a sunny day. What else does it take to add 645 kiloneter full of more more highlights to the trip...
Out of Jackson in the morning it is ice again on the bike - but getting warmer quickly along the Nachez Trail Parkway - a 466 miledrive along the old trailroute from Alabama to the New Orleans harbour. It is quiet in the morning, just some birds out singing and some ryebirds catching fish in the lakes . The one and only problem is not to run out of gas and to be patient enough to wait for a pump coming by - but today 3 pumps on my route are closed for having no gas - right in the middle of the states. Expect the unexpected.
Thr road crosiing pretty straight through the swamps and meadows is a nice ride - but not a spectacular one, especially not , when you sit on a bike.
Having been on for abot a hundred miles I decide to turn east towards Birmingham Alabama, not to miss the famous Barber Vintage Motorsports museum, a collection of almost 750 vintage and modern motorcycles and as well as a substantial collection of Lotus and other racecars. It's a mustgo for eanybody interested in the history as well as into the variety of motorcycles - as well as in their restauration.The Staff is extremely nice and helpful and you will be surprised about the ideas and technical approaches of the earlier days -as well as yu will beby the enourmous skills and enthuthiasm these guys have, to find, purchase, transport and restore all these treasures . And i do not want to forget this wonderful American guy on the road , that took some extra 20 miles on his car to take me to the place - just because I had asked him for the way - there is as wonderful people here than in all other parts we ha travelled before.
With some nasty weather to get into the area in the next 2-3 days I decide to pushit aabit furtther north up to Chattanooga along Intestate 59 North ( having sen so muchdeer on the road at daytime and ridden over all-sorts-of-animals I prefer to ride the Interstate for the night - as you simply se better and I meanwhile met 4 biker personally, who were hit by deer on he road- not worth taking the risk of a small forestroad for anyway seeing nothing in the dark)
And maybe you will leven find your first bike in there again - pretty likely if you are not older than 105 years by now ;-)
The one and only things I personallly do nort understand - why is there scooters displayed - who wants to see ponies when you go on a horserodeo :-) ?
So tomorrow I will tell you more of the Chattanooga Choo Choo....
Baba (still dreaming of these old bikesounds - 1300 km to New York )