Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008

Sunday 26th October : The BIG Apple

What a vibrant and intense city is this - I will try to rather let some pics tell the story -
but not without a very big and warm hug to the wonderful Rosenberg-Family having me in their home in Long Island while I stay in New York to get everything settled for the way home.
We met in Alaska while they were on a great family trip - and never lost contact ever since.
Thank you so much for making New York not just a big city, but a home for me !

The Statue of Liberty was supposed to be the very final destination for this trip to go -
and there is another story addding on to this and still to come on the blog very soon.
For now I let you think about what my Swiss pocketknife and Miss Liberty share in common :-)

Til I tell you about it I hope you share some of todays impressions with me....

Ground Zero
never forgotten
never understood

Baba (from owntown Manhattan )...more to come - especially the Swissknife-encounter with Miss Liberty ....