I have just got to Santa Fe this afternoon after having travelled Mesa Verde Nationalpark South together with Rick yesterday in the morning.
The Road up Mesa Verde Nationalpark convinced Rick and me definitely, that those Ancestral Puebloan Indians 1400 years ago must have been bikers - or at least those guys who built the 20 miles road into the Park - geeeee, this was pure fun and my sidestand hit the ground so many times, that it finally lost its safetyclip to fix the switch.
The result of which was, that the bike would not start anymore once we got back out of the Visitor Center . But just some brainwork and a piece of wire took me back on the road again.
but still grinning from these curves !
explaining the sites
It was great to share the roads with you !
The forecast for today predicted some snow on my planned route via Highway 84 south into Santa Fe. I keep searching for alternative routes - yet there are not really any . So I just get all my gear on me , ready for the worst case - snowy roads . But as aways - never trust a weatherforecast before you look up the skies yourself - and despite the road at about 2500 m being pretty cold I hardly hit any rain - neither snow . Its pretty much a scenic ride , reminding me with lots of little canyons and rocky rugged mountains next to the Rio Grande of my childhoods Western movies , expecting John Wayne to show up anytime around he next corner.
Dreaming along the curvy road I just manage to miss some deer running right into my way - soI understand the sticker much better , that is on the back of a jeep passing me by :
Today I changed my oils in front of Motel 6 as the Bmw dealers would not allow me in their premises for the always present LIABILITY reasons - a big issue allover the States as for making some money anybody feels like sewing somebody. Yet the suff at BMW Snta Fe isverynice and helpful - so tomorrow morning valves will be checked for warranty and then I strongly hit the road to the east to make i tto New York in time:-)
Good nite from Baba (tomorrows forecast is sunny and a bit cold )