It is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing g g g g g cold this morning.
Nicole , Stefan and me had decided last night it should be a great idea getting up early in the morning to experience the sunrise at Bryce Canyon.That was yesterday – I am not sure if we had come to the same idea this early morning at 5 o'clock. Smart enough I put my little stove , some water in my little pott and my instant coffee right next to my tent.
When I open the tent's zipper in the morning – then wow – this is pretty much like winter ! All our bikes are deeeeeeeep frozen , so is the tent and the surface of my sleepingbag. The bodymoisture of the nights sleep condensates on the cold sleepingback surface and freezes due to the outdoor temperatures.
Lucky me to start the day off with a boiling hot coffee – so once out of the tent, waking up my two swiss mates and then it's just a couple of miles ride for all of us to the canyon ridge – and well , that is when you know why you were getting out of your cosy sleepinbag and riding through the cold.
Stefans Thermometer showed minus 7 degrees Celsius in the morning - a footnote only.
If you come to Bryce remember there is 200 ! days per year to be above and below 0° Celsius the same day per year - so do not forget your warm clothes at home :-) !
Just follow the steps to the canyonridge and enjoy some of it with us - Bryce Canyon is a universe on it's own – words mean little to describe it – but I havemet nobody who would not have been deeply impressed.

For the afternoon Stefan and me decide to climb down into the canyon to see more of it – unfortunately Nicole is not feeling that well. But as the two will spend more time in the Canyon she is happy to do it some other day.
While Stefan and me get on the way towards and down into the Canyon – it is only then that I notice I forgot one of my two cameras in front of the tent . It's actually the wideangle SLR- stupid me ! So it's a long way up and back to the tent not really knowing if that camea will still be there. But as much as Russia and all eastern countries were totally honest spots – that camera lies untouched where I forgot it.
Pulsrate descending again I make my way back and down into the Canyon –
what a godgiven gift to mankind is this place.
I will not even try to put up words for it – just share some of my impressions with you – seen through my eyes – and maybe you should come here to create your very own and personal vision of a place like this. As touristy as it may be in some spots – you can forget about all that once you are down.
So are you ready by now to follow me down inside and up Bryce Canyon ...?